Wednesday, May 11, 2011

AMD Fusion Chip Gets ‘Best in Show’ Award just issued a press release in which it reveals that a certain accelerated processing unit has been given an award during the Embedded Systems Conference, for its functionality and innovative elements.

Even though Intel still has a clear lead in terms of how many laptops and desktops use its chips, Advanced Micro Devices is steadily gaining ground.

The Fusion series of APUs is somewhat responsible for this, even though just low-end chips have really been out for any significant amount of time.

The company didn't even restrict the technology to any one market segment, having provided both consumer and industrial chips.

One of the latter types of processors is the G-Series embedded APU, this being the same product that was recognized at the Embedded Systems Conference.

More specifically it was given the ‘Best in Show’ award by five-year ESC Embeddy Awards presenter, analyst firm VDC Research.

“We selected the AMD Embedded G-Series processor because it is an integrated circuit that combines a low-power CPU and a discrete-level GPU into a single embedded Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) for advanced graphics and multi-media integration,” said Richard Dean, program manager, VDC Research.

“Among the benefits are the integration of the APU, which reduces the foot print size of a three-chip platform to two chips, and the overall reduction in costs across the product’s lifecycle.”

This goes to show that the APUs definitely have their share of assets, although it remains to be seen if the mainstream consumer chips secure awards of their own.

“Embedded Systems Conference showcases the best of the best in our industry and it’s very gratifying that a product we feel can change the dynamics of the industry has been recognized as the top hardware product this year,” said Buddy Broeker, director, Embedded Solutions, AMD.

“The AMD Embedded G-Series platform represents a major advancement for the capabilities of embedded systems and yet still enables reduction of the key thresholds of power, area and costs. This is a trend that AMD expects to continue in the years to come.”


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